Friday, October 29, 2010

UP-cylced Leather Wristbands

My bestest crafting buddy Angie and I made these leather wristbands made from recycled leather and leather scraps (give credit where credit is due!). I still have tons of leather and hardware left, so they are my next ETSY product to be added. What boy doesn't look awesome with a leather wristband?


  1. These are wonderful. I haven't done anything with leather in years, but it's on my "to do" list. Make more!! Thanks for sharing;-)

  2. Found ya' through KoJo; SO glad you are crafting for boys!!! My sister and I both have boys and find it so hard to do "boy-ish" crafts- I love the leather wristbands and may just have to make one for my 12 year old:) Thanks for sharing!

  3. Leather wristbands include a range of designer collection of Roman style wristbands. They are handcrafted in a stylish design and are fitted with double snaps. Metal studded leather wristbands are often broader than regular sized wristbands. This range of wristband is very popular amongst dancers and rock singers. Thanks a lot.

    Leather Wristbands
