Saturday, October 23, 2010

I'm baaaaaack.....

Da Na Na Na Na Na Na Nah
So....I'm condensing my two blogs into one blog. This will primarily be used for Dirty Boyz new product info....but I can't help but share the yummy treats and (my latest activity) up-cycled fashions, AKA--What-the-helk-am-I-going-to-do-with-a-closet-full-of-sweaters when it rarely gets colder than 60* where I live now???, among other things (stories about my dirty boyz).
First off:
Today Logan dropped his fork on the floor at dinner. I am watching him wiggle (and wondering why he hasn't picked up his fork yet) and all of a sudden I SEE HIS TOES with THE FORK tightly, need I say, CLENCHED in among them reaching UP ONTO the dinner table and carefully placing in back on the table WITH HIS FOOT. OH MY GOSH!!! Any people need to ask, Why DIRTY Boyz? Well....uh...there you go. That trick I DID NOT teach him.
All the old posts on the blog have been deleted and I'm officially starting new posts with Dirty Boyz products in an attempt to get things rolling again. I also have an Etsy account (its very primitave, check back when it looks better!) Check back here for the latest projects!

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