Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sweater Re-Do

This weekend I actually reached the end of my sewing basket! I hemmed/let down 6 pairs of pants, made 3 up-cycled jean shopping bags and finished a few other misc. projects, whew! Even the Dirty Boyz raided my fabric stash and made their own drawstring car baggies with some old truck fabric they found. Now I can officially sew anything I want... and Christmas is coming up, so many fun projects to be had! I have been spending TOO much time on sewing/crafting/scrapbooking/style blogs lately, and my mind is cluttered with ideas!
I bought this sweater at the end of the season last year for $2.99! I didn't love it, but, at the time it was a sweater! For $2.99! How could I NOT buy it? I wore sweaters like, everyday, in Idaho. Now the coldest it gets, ever, is about 50* so my latest project is turning all those winter things into things that I can actually wear here in sunny Phoenix.
Anywhoo. I started with this semi-frumpy-super-boring-don't-love-the-color sweater,

and some cute corduroy fabric purchased with 40% off coupon, chopped it up the middle, sewed the fabric around the raw edges and top and added a button. Ta-Da! Too bad I sent most of my frumpy sweaters to GoodWill before we moved. What was I thinking?

(Photo taken by said Dirty Boy, I hate adding picts of myself, but it looked better than on the table)
Here is one more pict of a sweater I chopped up the middle a while ago. It was light-weight, so I just stiched it up with some black thread, added some frog closures and a few buttons. Boring Target Sweater turned Cuter Cartigan!

I'm linking this post to Tea Rose Home, she does some amazing Re-Do's too, go check out her site and link parties!